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Office & Commercial

Modern office buildings, retail premises and wellness and sports facilities have to offer added value on several levels. The user wants to be in an attractive, pleasant and stimulating environment, with a structure that allows for flexible layouts and techniques that do not disturb in terms of noise, light or (emotional) temperature. The manager wants an optimal return on his investment and as trouble-free an operation as possible. We monitor that balance and also offer a total service package for the entire lifespan of the installations.

What are we doing?


Bold architecture

For a company, an office is increasingly a statement and a business card. It is therefore logical to make bolder choices in architecture. We don't mind that these choices often put the interplay between stability and technology to the test. On the contrary, we like being challenged and coming up with creative solutions that do full justice to the architect's design. We also offer clear added value in this respect in other commercial buildings.

Focus on flexibility

Both in offices and other commercial infrastructure, flexibility and combining various uses has increasingly become the norm. The interpretation may therefore be different in the future. This is why we always distinguish in the techniques between a strong central basis - sustainable generators of heat, cold, electricity, etc. - and a flexible decentralised release - climate ceilings, convectors, lighting fixtures, data connections, etc. - which evolves along with the changing wishes of the users. Of course, the design of the stability also enables this flexibility.

Installations that maintain performance

Complex installations need to be carefully managed in order to achieve an optimal return even in the longer term. We do not leave the customer in the lurch once the project is completed, but accompany him throughout the installation's lifetime. We deliver SLA contracts for continuous management and engage in permanent data collection, which gives us a good picture of the energy flows and allows us to intervene proactively for maintenance or adjustments to the settings.

How do we handle this?


Thorough BIM approach

By creating a digital twin of the building in BIM and linking all relevant data on the structure and techniques to it, we create added value in several ways. For instance, it allows detailed estimates to be made at a very early stage of the project and variations in the design to be allowed, including the immediate impact on the budget and construction consequences. It also ensures efficient coordination of construction partners in both the design and execution phases. And even after completion, the BIM model can be useful at operation for maintenance and adjustments to structures and installations, and serve as a basis for subsequent renovations.

From TCO to certification

The value of offices and other commercial buildings is not limited to the cost of the installation. The total cost of ownership (TCO) also includes facility costs (maintenance and repairs) and energy costs in the operational phase. And even end-of-life choices (dismantling and/or (partial) reuse) can be taken into account. We underpin the client's ideas with a structured and transparent analysis that allows for well-considered choices. We also produce partial studies for BREEAM, WELL and other certification programmes that are increasingly required to maintain or increase the market value of office and commercial properties.

Decisive and team-oriented

At BM Engineering, we make thorough analyses but do not remain in 'the study phase'. With our years of sector-wide experience, we quickly see the essence. We like to get to the point in order to achieve results and deliver projects within the set deadline. In doing so, we also pay close attention to cooperation, both between the teams of our various in-house disciplines and with all external construction partners and stakeholders involved in a project.

The BENEFITS of our approach

  • Our solutions are optimal in terms of both comfort and cost-effectiveness.
  • Our BIM integration ensures faster and more cost-conscious results.
  •  We offer a total package for the entire service life of the installations.


The experts


Present on the job every day, and with their complementary knowledge and extensive experience in various projects, our experts are the easily approachable link between our back office and your project.

Steven Beirinckx
CEO - Managing partner

Hanne Ledure
BU Director Building Services - Partner

Stijn Lammertijn
BU Director Structural - Partner



"We guard the balance between an attractive, pleasant and stimulating environment for the user, and optimal returns and worry-free operation for the manager."

Steven Beirinckx
CEO - Managing partner

Keynote on offices and commercial buildings?

Are you organising a themed day or event focusing on industrial MEP and looking for speakers? Not theoreticians with abstract explanations, but experts with day-to-day practical experience who can explain the subject matter to the target group in an interesting way? Contact us!

Get in touch

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Steven Beirinckx
CEO - Managing partner

Hanne Ledure
BU Director Building Services - Partner

Stijn Lammertijn
BU Director Structural - Partner

BM Engineering Hoofdkantoor

Beneluxlaan 1A
8500 Kortrijk
tel +32(0)56 28 26 20